
  • Identifying sport, recreation and health initiatives and overseeing strategic planning and implementation.
  • Coordinating, delivering and promoting relevant activities, classes and events, often within a specific community or to targeted groups.
  • Employing, training, supporting, developing and managing coaches and volunteer staff.
  • Raising public awareness of health and fitness issues and promoting participation in sport, particularly amongst underrepresented groups.
  • Evaluating and monitoring activities and projects using performance indicators.
  • Maintaining records and producing written reports.
  • Attending local, regional and national meetings, seminars and conferences.
  • Checking venues and managing facilities.
  • Liaising with clubs to develop coaching, youth development and issues such as safeguarding to manage clubs effectively.
  • Working in partnership with school initiatives such as active schools, to encourage participation in sport and organise parental involvement.
  • Working with NGBs for specific sports in relation to clubs and events.
  • Developing a range of partnerships with organisations and initiatives focused on health education, criminal justice and community regeneration.
  • Managing resources and a budget and identifying potential opportunities for external funding.
  • Maintaining links with county, regional and national sporting representatives and organisations.
  • Working within specific guidelines, e.g. equal opportunities, health and safety and child protection.
  • Offering coaching and supervision when appropriate.

  • Initiative, self-motivation and the ability to motivate others
  • The ability to make decisions under pressure.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, to communicate effectively with all sections of the community.
  • The ability to work with other individuals in a group setting.
  • Project management skills and the ability to manage people, including groups of volunteers.
  • The capacity to work independently.
  • Negotiation skills and political awareness of current sports issues.
  • Excellent organisation, administration and IT skills.
  • A practical commitment to sport and an in-depth knowledge of a particular sport or a range of sports.
  • The ability to build up good working relationships with client groups and partner bodies, and work in a team.

Sports Development Officer Recruitment Agency in London, Sports Recruitment Agency in London