
  • Formulates Marketing and Communications strategy for both internal and external audiences.
  • Main point of contact within ‘Group’ for all marketing and communications activity.
  • Controls all marketing activity relating to the ’Group’.
  • Owns, manages and delivers APS brand strategy.
  • Manages and controls ‘Group’ marketing budget.
  • Develops, co-ordinates and communicates APS Group proposition.
  • Manages day to day relationship with nominated PR agency.
  • Manages and coordinates marketing campaigns.
  • Provides support for New Business through production of collateral and research.
  • Manages and controls all Social Media activity for ‘Group’.
  • Provides copy-writing for both internal and external collateral.
  • Manages event strategy for ‘Group’.
  • Provides support for Client Services and New Business team in client perception audits/reviews/research.
  • Develops team members to ensure succession and necessary skills are in place
  • Manages and allocates teams workload.

  • Proposition is in place, updated and communicated both internally and externally.
  • Market awareness of APS Group and the solutions it offers.
  • Brand consistency across the ‘Group’.
  • PR budget is fully utilized.
  • Marketing budget is managed and controlled.

Head of Marketing and Communication Recruitment Agency in London, Sales and Marketing Recruitment Agency in London