
  • Evaluating offset data before the start of drilling.
  • Analysing, evaluating and describing formations while drilling, using cuttings, gas, formation evaluation measurement while drilling (FEMWD) and wireline data.
  • Comparing data gathered during drilling with predictions made at the exploration stage.
  • Advising on drilling hazards and drilling bit optimisation
  • Taking full responsibility for making decisions about suspending or continuing drilling.
  • Advising operations personnel on-site and in the operations office
  • Acting, in effect, as the representative of the onshore oil company geology team.
  • Supervising mudlogging, FEMWD and wireline services personnel and monitoring quality control in relation to these services
  • Keeping detailed records, writing reports, completing daily, weekly and post-well reporting logs and sending these to appropriate departments.
  • Maintaining up-to-date knowledge of measuring while drilling (MWD) tools, such as gamma and resistivity, as geo steering becomes increasingly important.
  • Communicating regularly with onshore operations offices.
Skills Required
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.
  • The ability to work independently, as well as within a team of multidisciplinary professionals.
  • Analytical and critical-thinking skills
  • Confidence in giving an opinion
  • The ability to evaluate complex information and make decisions at any hour, day or night.
  • An understanding of the activity that is taking place in the well and its implications.
  • Sensitivity to different cultures and ways of working.
  • Leadership and supervisory skills
  • Practical skills
  • The ability to work with sophisticated technology.
  • Strong mathematical and scientific analytical skills.
  • The ability to get on well with others in and outside a working environment (you will be working and living with the same set of people, without respite, for several weeks).
  • Competence in IT, with the ability to use standard office programs and specialised software.
  • The ability to cope with working under pressure.

Wellsite Geologists Recruitment Agency in London, Petroleum Recruitment Agency in London